Can A Teenager Refuse Mental Health Treatment

Whether a teenager can reject mental health treatment largely depends on jurisdiction, their age, and the nature of the condition. Generally, upon achieving an age of medical consent (usually between 12-16 years), they can refuse treatment unless it is a life-threatening situation or they’re deemed incapable of making informed decisions. Imagine a world where adolescents … Read more

Can Short-term Disability Be Denied For Mental Health

Yes, short-term disability can be denied for mental health conditions. Insurance providers have the discretion to determine the legitimacy and severity of the mental health issue based on medical records, therapist’s conclusions, and adherence to treatment protocols. Denials may occur if the condition is seen as not sufficiently severe or if documentation is insufficient. It … Read more

Where To Go For Court Ordered Mental Health Evaluation

Navigating the complex arena of legal proceedings can be daunting, especially when court ordered mental health evaluation enters the equation. In the United States, it is surprising yet true, that an estimated one in six Americans interacts with mental health services each year. There are many credible places to go for court ordered mental health … Read more

How To Get Short Term Disability For Mental Health

Securing short term disability for mental health issues isn’t common knowledge, though one in five U.S. adults experience mental illness each year. Unfortunately, the lack of awareness tends to discourage many from seeking the necessary intervention and support. Acquiring short term disability for mental health warrants clear understanding of insurance policies and legal stipulations. For … Read more